Simple ceviche is the best ceviche. Everyone should be able to make this easy ceviche appetizer.
By luck and coincidence, we’ve been sampling lots of excellent ceviche lately. Matunuck Oyster Bar on the southern coast of Rhode Island, and Border Grill in Las Vegas. Here’s what we’ve learned: Forget the ingredient bells and whistles, ceviche is best plain and straightforward.
Good ceviche begins with the freshest fish available and has a clean fresh flavor. In Rhode Island, fresh flounder is affordable and everywhere and it makes spectacular ceviche. Here in Nashville, my friend Lili makes killer ceviche with tilapia. Well, it works.
There’s nothing to this non-recipe recipe. Simply “cook” the fish in lime juice for about 30 minutes. Next, add the three ceviche essentials: red onion, jalapeño, and cilantro. Now, let it marinate in the refrigerator a little longer, but not long. One hour total is about right. Add salt to taste. Serve chilled with crisp tortilla chips or good old saltines.
Too plain for you? Then add these (we urge you to resist the temptation):
Chopped fresh mango, chopped tomato, grated radish, grated jicama, or roasted corn kernels.
About now you are probably thinking about margaritas. Here’s a great recipe for watermelon margaritas or maybe a michelada.