Olive Oil Ice Cream

by Min Merrell
olive oil ice cream

Is olive oil ice cream just a weird fad or is it worth making? It’s a toss-up for me. 

On the plus side:

It does allow you to participate in the trend bandwagon especially Mediterranean menus.

It uses olive oil and that’s always cool. And this one is made without eggs or cooking a custard so you can whip it up and freeze it.

It stretches your thinking about combining flavors and what goes with what like serving it with little sweet Sungold cherry tomatoes!

It’s fun as hell to serve to guests at a party to get people talking.

You’ll look cool. And your foodie friends might blog about you when they get home.  Take note if they take phone pictures at the dinner table.

On the downside:

Meh…what’s wrong with vanilla? Nothing.

Not as versatile as vanilla or chocolate. There’s a reason those flavors are popular. 

It uses a lot of olive oil that would have been useful for many great salads.

Too sophisticated or weird for most kids, picky eaters, and regular people.

Why are you chasing trends anyway?  Just because Mario Batali and Jose Andres make it, doesn’t mean you have to.  Do it because it interests you.

I do want to make a Greek variation using 2 cups Greek yogurt, one cup of cream, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup sugar and the 1/2 cup olive oil.

Here are some other great ice cream recipes we love:

Ginger Ice Cream  It’s spicy hot with a fabulous dark chocolate sauce. LOVE THIS.

Peach Sherbet  Fabulous and made with Greek yogurt.

Oatmeal Ice Cream  Inspired by David Burke’s Oatmeal Creme Brulee.  Okay, it’s interesting and a little weird.

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