Nashville Molasses Cornmeal Cookies is a fantastic new variation of my most favorite recipe Nashville Cornmeal Cookies. It’s definitely the recipe that keeps on giving, I can’t stop with the variations. When a cookie opportunity presents itself, I just can’t seem to make a regular all-flour cookie anymore I miss the pleasant grit of the cornmeal. The secret ingredient to all these cookie variations is self-rising cornmeal mix or self-rising cornmeal because traditionally these southern baking products are very finely ground so the grit is just right and so is the leavening.
This time the crunchy cornmeal accents a traditional molasses ginger snap. You’ll see it’s the same as the original Nashville Cornmeal Cookie recipe except 1/2 cup of molasses replaces 1/2 cup of the sugar, there’s a teaspoon of baking soda added to react with the molasses and provide the snap, and there are few spices. Stir in some chopped crystallized ginger if you want to get fancy. I might try adding some raisins so they’ll be a bit like hermits. My days of making regular old gingersnaps are officially over.
Here’ are some of my other favorite cornmeal desserts: