Mac and Cheese Update

by R.B. Quinn and Min Merrell
baked macaroni and cheese, mac and cheese

Wish I could stop fretting about mac and cheese.

A while ago I wrote a story called “Macaroni and Cheese Once and For All.” Who was I kidding? I’m still futzing with the recipe. Now I’m streamlining it, even more, using less white sauce and blowing off the breadcrumb or cracker crumb topping completely. Don’t be fooled by fancy mac and cheese recipes featuring too many cheeses. You don’t need a four cheese mac. No one does. Even the Dairy Council can’t say that with a straight face. Just use a good cheddar.

Okay, beyond good cheddar.  I”ve got one word for you for creamy mac and cheese. VELVEETA.  Yes, our favorite processed cheese food product offers excellent emulsifying properties to the cheese sauce.  Add 1/2 a pound or so of Velveeta to the cheese sauce and reduce the other cheddar as you like.  You’ll see.

The critical components are easy to remember when you’re in the store without a list. I like even amounts that are easy to remember like our favorite Three Pound Bag French Onion Soup.

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