This very simple Corn Cucumber Salad, an impromptu recipe we whipped up (and loved) last summer, has been sitting on the website to-do list without no story, waiting for inspiration. Thanks, Elizabeth, for the inspiration.
Elizabeth installed a gas grill this spring and now she can’t stop grilling corn. I swear every time I drop by to hang out and sip a G&T she’s grilling ears of corn. She’s not even a big corn on the cob fan. She has, however, discovered the fun of scraping off the roasted kernels from the cob and making cool salads, experimenting with different vegetable combinations, and vinaigrettes. It’s been a real epiphany for Elizabeth not to follow a recipe exactly, but rather to add her own tweaks and changes. And it all started with corn and a gas grill.
Who knows what ingredient will inspire a cook? There’s always something new, something simple, something undiscovered, something to rediscover, around every corner.
So, if you love corn on the cob, grilled or boiled, make extra ears for a salad. Toss the kernels with cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, feta cheese…you name it. Don’t have any extra ingredients? Well, cukes and corn do just fine all alone.
Minimalism takes courage and can be a great approach. Don’t worry about those tomatoes parked on the counter. Serve them on the side so they don’t tank into middle kid complex.