You can’t get more delicious, chewy, crisp chocolatey goodness than these very simple and basic Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. Don’t be fooled by simplicity. Instead, remember the old adage first popularized by minimalist Bauhaus architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ” less is more.” I’m quite certain Mies would love the big understatement of these.
I know, I know. Minimalism doesn’t get you much attention these days as it seems like most American food interests follow the words of architect Robert Venturi instead who famously said “less is a bore.” If that’s your philosophy then feel free to add chocolate chips and nuts to this recipe…or maybe a spoonful of espresso powder, crushed toffee bits, or peppermint candy bits. You know the drill. Chocolate Crinkle Cookies will adapt to your world view.
That’s all fine but, you don’t need anything more. That’s all I’m going to say. Maybe just a really good cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk.