Buttermilk Pound Cake Squares. Stir Them Up in a Saucepan.

by Min Merrell
buttermilk pound cake squares

Buttermilk Pound Cake Squares, a simple saucepan recipe, can be prepared from scratch by anyone. No need for a mixer or even a mixing bowl, and that suits me just fine more often than not. The smaller the mess the more often I’ll bake something. So, if making a Southern pound cake is not in the cards, these easy squares are for you!

The recipe contains all the good ingredients of a pound cake (i.e., lots of eggs and butter) but follows a much simpler method — melt the butter and then stir in everything else. The texture will be pound cake dense and velvety. And in furtherance of my crusade for southern self-rising flour’s versatility beyond biscuits, there’s no need to add salt or leavening (it’s already added to the self-rising flour).

Use whatever brand you want. Here in Nashville our old reliable Martha White “Hot Rize” self-rising flour (perfectly pre-mixed with baking powder and salt) keeps our city’s historic baking tradition alive and smelling great.

Buttermilk Pound Cake Squares will serve you well, no matter the season. Need a quick holiday dessert, an elegant sweet for the wedding or baby shower, a little lunchbox treat, a fancy cake to serve with Tennessee strawberries or peaches in the spring and summer, a handy barbecue finale, something to share at a pot luck or book club? Buttermilk Pound Cake Squares is the answer. I like to cut them into tiny squares so everyone can have just one more.

It’s a keeper as I’m always asked to share the recipe with friends.

I’ll bet you’ll also like these easy desserts:

Jam Squares

Cornbread Sheet Cake

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