Salad Brain Exercise–Salad Greens on the Side

by Min Merrell
salad brain greens on the side

Salad Brain is a creativity platform.

These exercises use the platter, rather than the typical deep salad bowl, as the canvas for creation and a means to illustrate the universal process of creative thinking and design. No matter the field, the steps of creativity are the same. Here we’re using salads because we all have some experience with salad, a low-stakes, easy medium for practicing everyday creativity. Plus, your installation will feed you beautifully and well, and shouldn’t we all be eating more salads anyway?


For an introduction to getting in touch with your salad brain, read Welcome to Salad Brain Creativity.


Big bowl of greens on the side.

Red bell pepper




Cherry Tomatoes

Blue Cheese


The bowl really is the black hole of design as all the goodies in a tossed salad sink to the bottom.  So here once again even your regular old salad can be plattered when you separate the colorful accents from the greens.  You can still enjoy the greens served from a BOWL!!!  Now add what you like from the platter. No exotic ingredients here, just the usual salad stuff thoughtfully arranged.  Even everyday ingredients look  snazzy on a platter.  Buttermilk ranch on the side.


Change the cheese or any ingredient for that matter.  Dressing of your choice. Take the salad in one direction by making one of the ingredients the focal point. Change the shape of any ingredient.  A change in color of the onion, the peppers  or the tomato can completely shift the look.  The platter salad can be anything.  The point here is the greens on the side.

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